Blogg Looking forward to a...

#58 I live in the city and not so far from the E4. We like to have fresh air in the apartment so the balcony door is often open which means that we hear traffic noise all the time. And I cycle round the city, coming close to moving vehicles on every journey. Traffic noise, at home and when cycling, is something I tolerate but do not enjoy so I’m looking forward to a quieter future on the roads.

At 1 May 2013 there were 2296 chargeable electric cars in Sweden, as well as the more common Toyota Prius hybrids. Today these make up only a tiny percentage of Sweden’s car fleet, but new models are being launched regularly and sales are predicted to continue increasing.

One wonderful feature of electric cars is that they’re very, very quiet. So quiet in fact that the manufacturers have to install sound programmes to mimic the noise from internal combustion engines. But these sounds are only required when the electric cars are going slowly – up to around 20 km/h.

So just think how wonderful the future could be. As pedestrians, as cyclists, as city-dwellers we will enjoy surroundings that are calmer and quieter. It’s win-win for the climate and our local environment and I’m looking forward to it!

Detta är inlägg #58 i initiativet #blogg100 som går ut på att skriva ett blogginlägg om dagen i 100 dagar med start den 1 mars 2014

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