Risenta, Securitas, Beckers, Saltå Kvarn, Cardiff University, Strömma Turism & Sjöfart, and MAX Burgers
I am a curious, investigative consultant and I work with e.g. environmental and sustainability analyses of different kinds, for instance camel analyses, carbon footprints and ecosystem services. I get particularly dedicated when I get to help find creative solutions and ways forward. I have worked with a broad spectrum of businesses; from agriculture and food enterprises, via paint manufacturers, to shipping.
I have a Master of Science in Public Administration and Environmental Studies. Main subject: Political Science. I have previously worked with e.g. evaluations of public environmental policies, at the University of Umeå. Large parts of my childhood I spent on a very small island in the Stockholm archipelago, where a very concrete resource circulation perspective became apparent, and I am in my element when I get to take part in taking responsibility for our sustainability challenges.
Direct: +46 (0)70 293 03 43
+46 8 34 65 65
Swedish, English and Spanish (basic)