Peppade efter vårens Blogg100-utmaning kommer vi, med start imorgon, att blogga varje dag fram till jul. Idén med en julblogg fick vi av ekocentrum. Tack!

Utöver att vi själva kommer ge våra personliga tips på en medveten jul under 24 dagar i följd kommer vi också att delta i Social Venture Networks (SVN) julbloggskalender. Håll utkik efter vår lucka!



Efter att vi bestämt oss kom Fredrik Pallin med uppslaget att köra en Blogg24-utmaning, som beskrivs här. Vi har förstås anmält oss! Vill du också anta utmaningen kan du anmäla dig här och vill du se vilka andra bloggare som anmält sig gör du det genom att klicka på följande länk.

Nu kör vi! Glad grön första advent! #blogg24

This is the third in our series of suggested Christmas gifts: #blogg24

The children in our family often receive some money from relatives for Christmas and birthdays. My suggestion for this year is to give money in the form of Oikocredit shares.

Oikocredit is an international co-operative that lends and invests in social enterprises in developing countries. Investors’ money is lent and re-lent to help people build businesses and organisations for the benefit of their communities. The focus is on rural areas, women, agriculture and fair trade. As an investor you receive a small return each year (typically 2%) and you can withdraw your money at any time.

The minimum investment in Oikocredit is £150 (2000 SEK in Sweden) which is perhaps a bit steep for a Christmas present. But it’s not just money to the one we love, it’s also a way to give others the opportunity to invest in activities that will give them and their families a better future.